February 2023 SP-AT PTA Meetings Minutes

Tuesday February 21st, 2023
Hybrid meeting- in person at Attea & via Zoom
Attendees: Diana O., Megan R., Chelle C., Niki V., Tara C., Leisl J., Lynette P., and Helen in person and Beena A. and Melissa D. via Zoom
- Welcome
- Meeting called to order at 9:20 a.m.
- Approval of minutes from the January 10, 2023 PTA meeting
- Motion moved by Tara
- Motion seconded by Niki
- Treasurer update
- Chelle gave a brief update on behalf of Rehana and showed the current budget through 2/21/23. Some highlights included continued revenue coming in from sign-up parties from SPAT-A-PALOOZA. We have exceeded our $15,000 goal and more revenue to come from remaining sign-up party in April (a guys night out; there are still spaces so more info to come on this). Recent dining for dollars events went well ($357 from Lou Malnati’s and $128 from Panera).
- Principals Reports
Diana O’Donnell, Attea
- Kindness week just wrapped up and went well with lots of positivity witnessed around the school.
- Everyone appreciated the PTA’s Share the Love event.
- She gave a big thank you to the PTA for their assistance with the Attea Winter Bash and said the kids had a great time.
- Trimester 3 starting up soon, so staff gearing up for that.
- 8th grade end of year planning underway.
- Goal is to get each grade to a field trip this year. 7th grade just went to the Holocaust Museum as they are learning about this this year.
- Many of the same events are taking place at Springman (Megan Russell had a commitment and wasn’t able to arrive until later in the meeting).
- Service Projects- Melissa Dahlquist
- Melissa said the Birthday Bag event went well and she was grateful to all the volunteers.
- Thrift Up event- April 29th at Attea. The concept is that SPAT families donate gently used items and then families from the community will have the opportunity to come “shop” for items on April 29th (no charge for items). Donations will be accepted at each school for the 2 weeks leading up to the event. Further details to be provided about what categories of items will be accepted. Student and parent volunteers will be needed for assistance as well. Niki added in that we may try to incorporate donations for the Northfield Food Pantry at this event as well.
- Committee Chair reports
- Spirit Wear- The chairs ended relationship with prior vendor. They plan to move forward with new vendor, Humankind, but will hold off on ordering anything until the new logos for each school are finished by the district. We will continue to sell our existing stock until then. Goal for next year is to sell spirit wear at one sporting event per season where Springman plays Attea.
- Conference Lunches- Volunteers are in place and planning is underway.
- 8th Grade Graduation- Attea- Monday June 5th; Springman- Tuesday June 6th; planning committee are underway; hoping to streamline things between the two schools. Each school will be coordinating t-shirts this year instead of PTA. Party tickets will be $40 each, with financial assistance available through school social workers if needed.
- Staff Appreciation Week- May 1st to 5th; Volunteers are in place to lead this effort at each school. They plan to work with the administration from each school as well as the district to coordinate efforts. Committees have already met and planning is underway.
- Bad Momz Event- This fundraising event will be held this Thursday February 23rd. There are only 8 tickets remaining, so it should be a very well attended event.
- Upcoming Events
- Next PTA meeting April 11th at 7 pm at Springman
- Bad Momz event- February 23rd
- Evereve shopping event- March 8th
- Dining for Dollars- Culvers on March 16th
Meeting Adjourned: 10:16 a.m.
Notes recorded by Tara Call.