Category: 2022-2023

Volunteer for Lunch Help at the Schools!

Volunteer for Lunch Help at the Schools! Lunch Time VolunteersWe are excited to get parents back in the buildings this year and we need your help! We are looking for volunteers to help support the staff in supervision of students during the 6th, 7th and 8th grade lunch times. This volunteer job would require you to stay the entire time from 10:45-1:15. […]

Snacks for Attea and Springman Staff

Snacks for Attea and Springman Staff

Snacks for Attea Staff 2022-23 To show our appreciation for the Attea teachers and staff, we are going to fill the staff lounge with snacks twice a month throughout the year. Please sign up to donate 30-35 snack-sized items for the staff lounge.  Items need to be individually packaged (e.g. chip bags, granola bars, etc.). Please drop off […]