We are looking for help with collecting our FUNDtober envelopes as the kids come into school!
D34 ParentConnect Panel
District 34 sent out an email where people can submit questions!
Oakton BPAC
Looking for Parents to join the Executive Team for Mongolian BPAC.
FUNDtober No-Stress Fundraiser Student Raffle – 10/14/2021
See who won the FUNDtober Student Raffle this week! Three students from each grade at both Springman and Attea. Thanks to our SPAT families for their generosity, and thank you to our local businesses for the generous prizes!
SP-AT PTA No Stress Fundraiser Update
FUNDtober Fundraiser – how to donate online!
More FUNDtober Volunteers Needed!
We are looking for help with collecting our FUNDtober envelopes as the kids come into school!
Book Fair This Week!
Book Fair is this week!
SPAT Fundraiser Days at Blended
At BLENDED Health & Smoothie Bar950 Harlem Ave (Corner of Harlem & Glenview) Tuesday/Wednesday, October 26 & 27 Join us to raise money for the SPAT PTA while supporting a local small business! Dine with BLENDED Health & Smoothie Bar on October 26 and 27, and 10% of ALL SALES will bve donated back the […]
FUN Friday Student Raffle Winners & Prizes
Learn the names of the 12 students who won today’s drawing, and the local businesses who generously donated prizes.
Apricot Lane Fundraiser
You’re Invited to the Apricot Lane Sp-At PTA Fundraiser Fashion Party on Thursday, October 7!