9/14/2021 SP-AT PTA Minutes

Tuesday September 14th, 2021
Via Zoom
Attendees: Megan Russell, Mark Richter, Chelle Costianis, Robin Cohen, Leisl Jaberg, Rehana Haque, Ghizala Husain, Tara Call, Alisa Cios, Dana Doffin, Melissa Dahlquist, Bhairvi Shah, Dana Ward, Jeanine Maurice, Laura Floyd, Brian Pollina, Danielle Scharf, Naheed Memon, Claire Elko, Theresa Rasmussen, Mary Selhorst, Raquel Torres, Julie Sisto, & Effie Stevens
I. Welcome
- Meeting called to order at 09:20 a.m.
II. Approval of 2021-2022 Springman/Attea (“SPAT”) Board Slate- see Appendix I
· Motion moved by Robin Cohen
· Motion seconded by Alisa Cios
III. Approval of minutes from the May 2021 PTA meeting
· Motion moved by Tara Call
· Motion seconded by Alisa Cios
IV. Review and Approval of 2021-2022 Budget (Budgeted revenues of $32,950 and expenses of $26,950)
· Motion moved by Rehana Haque
· Motion seconded by Alisa Cios
V. Principals Reports
A. Megan Russell, Principal, Springman Middle School
- Megan said she appreciates the support and welcome she has received since joining D34.
- Thought things went well at the 2-night virtual curriculum events offered last week.
- Videos from teachers are still available online.
- Encouraged parents to continue to reach out to teachers with specific questions as they arise.
- Parent Teacher conferences will be held virtually across the district on Friday October 15th, with signups going out to parents in early October.
- The Wildcat of the Week award is new to Springman and was introduced last week.
- Each week both a staff member and a student will be selected for this award.
- Student award winners are nominated by staff.
- The superintendent of construction meets every Friday with Megan and some of her staff to give progress updates.
- Phase I of construction seems to be on track thus far and will hopefully be complete by the end of next summer.
- Phase II is due to start at the end of this school year.
- After school fall athletic programs such as soccer, cross-country, etc. are up and running at both schools with a lot of student participation.
- There is a focus on getting more clubs going at Springman.
- A list of potential club options was circulated to staff and they were asked to indicate which clubs they would sponsor. Initial staff responses are encouraging and Megan believes Springman will be able to offer a broad variety of clubs this year.
- There will be a Student Council at Springman as part of this effort.
- The recent flurry of false fire alarms being pulled at Springman amongst other smaller pranks was addressed.
- Both principals noted that this is part of an unfortunate trend that is common among middle schools across the country recently.
- Staff at both schools are proactively working to prevent these types of incidents and asked that parents talk to their students about this issue as well.
B. Mark Richter, Principal, Attea Middle School
- Noted many of the same activities taking place at Springman are also occurring at Attea (athletics, clubs, etc.).
- Attea will be offering a club fair soon for students.
- MAP testing is this week and next at Attea.
- Picture day for Attea is tomorrow, Wednesday September 15th.
- Staff is trying to reinvigorate their “High Flyers” program which gives staff the opportunity to recognize individual students for positive behaviors.
- Staff is re-evaluating their Student of the Month program and deciding if it’s the best way to make sure students are recognized for their efforts or not.
- In an effort to celebrate the diversity at Attea, the Pledge is being said in different languages periodically.
- An update on the middle school schedule was given:
- Phase 1, implemented in the prior school year increased the duration and frequency of B Block classes (Math, Science, Social Studies and Language Arts) so that Math and Language Arts are each offered every day and for a longer time span. Science and Social Studies are every other day.
- Phase 2 has been implemented this current school year and primarily focuses on A Block classes (PE, Global Languages, and Encore classes). Encore classes now include a new STEM class and modern media class for all students in addition to drama, art and music.
VI. Committee Reports
A. Fundraising- Melissa Dahlquist
· Melissa introduced the Stress-Free Fundraiser that will take place over the month of October to help raise money for the PTA (“Funtober”).
· All students will be sent home a letter asking for donations and returning the letter (even if no donations included) allows students to enter into weekly raffle.
· Signups will be sent out looking for volunteers to help with daily morning collections.
· Donations for the weekly raffle also welcome.
B. Book Fair- Bhairvi Shah
· Book fair will be October 12-14th.
· Due to Covid restrictions, book fair can no longer be in-person in the schools.
· Bhairvi (Attea lead) and the Springman lead are working with school librarians to determine if book fair should be entirely virtual or if some version of a hybrid or an outdoor book fair can be held at both schools. More info to follow.
C. Spirit Wear- Danielle Scharf
· Danielle (Attea lead) is working with the Springman lead to coordinate using the same vendor.
· Online store is in process and should be available soon.
· Between the two schools they sold approximately $3,000 worth of merchandise at the open house events. Spirit Wear will continue to be sold at in-person events when Covid restrictions allow.
D. Dining for Dollars- Danielle Scharf
- First event is Thursday September 23rd from 3-10 pm at Culvers. Just mention you are with Springman or Attea.
· Planning to do an event in October at Blended.
E. Other
· First shopping night to be held on Thursday October 7th at Apricot Lane in the Glen. No food or drinks but attendees will go home with a sweet treat bag. Percentage of purchases that night will go to benefit SPAT.
- A to Z directory will be available in early November after PTA membership closes October 31st.
VII. Communications- Leisl Jaberg
· Leisl gave an update on the new website and the software she’s been using for the SPAT communications.
· Posters will soon be going up near the entrances of both schools with QR codes that will easily direct people to PTA membership as well as teacher sponsorship.
Meeting Adjourned: 10:55 a.m.
Next PTA Meeting: Tuesday, October 19th, 2021 at 9:15 a.m. via zoom.