Winter Service Project Update: Parent/Student Volunteers and Supplies Needed! 1/26/23

Dear Parents, We would love YOUR assistance in our winter community service project on Thursday, January 26th 2pm-6pm (*event 3:15-4:15pm). The student project entails packing donated birthday supplies into birthday bags for the Northfield Township Food Pantry program which provides these bags for clients with children ages 12 yrs and younger.
Attea Parent Sign up:
Springman Parent Sign Up:
Dear Parents, Your student is invited to join us on Thursday, January 26th, 3:15-4:15pm in the school cafeteria. The late bus will be available for students. This free winter community service project is hosted by the SP/AT PTA for the Northfield Township Food Pantry. All students are welcome to share in the joy of giving back to our community by packing donated birthday celebration supplies into gift bags for children ages 12yrs and below using NTFP services. Our goal is to pack 100 gift bags!
Attea Student Sign Up:
Springman Student Sign Up:
Donations of supplies are needed!
Attea’s Wish List –
Springman’s Wish List –