FUNDtober No-Stress Fundraiser Student Raffle – 10/22/2021

FUN Friday Raffle Winners
Petra A., Sydney B., Reese B., Jihoon C., Roman D., James D., Abigale F., Zoya K., Parker L., Demi M., Seth M., Tyler M., Harrison P., Charlie R., Ella S., David S., Pat V., Nathan W.
General Statement: A majority of our raffle prizes were generously donated by local and surrounding businesses in our community. We are grateful for their support. Please be sure to thank them!
Each student may only win once! Students will not necessarily receive everything shown here.
See below for the prizes and businesses (in alphabetical order, excluding ‘the’):

The prize bags awarded to today’s winners!

Thanks to The Book Bin for the bookmarks!
Thank you to The Book Stall for the memberships to the Discount Club!
FB: thebookstall, BookBinInc
IG: the_book_stall, bookbinnorthbrook

Thank you, Country Classics!
FB: CountryClassicsGlenview

Thanks, Goode&Fresh Pizza Bakery, for the gift cards!
FB: Goode and Fresh Pizza Bakery

Thank you, Joe Donut, for the Gift Cards!
FB: JoeDonutGlenview
IG: joedonutchi

Thanks, Misericordia Sweet Shop, for the gift cards!
FB: Misericordia Sweet Shop
IG: Misericordia Sweet Shop

Thanks, North Branch Pizza & Burger Company, for the gift cards!
FB: NorthBranchGlenview
IG: northbranchglenview

Thanks, Viccino Pizza Co., for the gift cards!
Thank you to Potbelly for the coupons!
FB: viccinospizza, PotbellySandwichShopGlenview
IG: viccinospizzacompany